Legal Notice and Terms of Use

Legal Notice is a website (the " Website ") published by Particeep, a simplified joint stock company registered with the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under number 790 884 084, with its registered office at 176 Avenue Charles De Gaulle, 92522 Neuilly sur Seine, France, and a share capital of €90,280.00 (the " Company ").

  • Telephone: +33 1 79 75 66 63
  • Intracommunity VAT number : FR60790884084

The director of the publication of the Site is Steve Foguein his capacity as President.

The Site's host is Clever Cloud, a simplified joint stock company with share capital of €22,952.00, registered with the Nantes Trade and Companies Register under number 524 172 699, having its registered office at 3 rue de l'Allier, 44000 Nantes, France.

  • Telephone: +33 2 85 52 07 69

Terms and conditions of use

1. Preamble - Purpose

These terms and conditions (the "General Terms and Conditions"The purpose of this Agreement is to define the conditions of use of the Site and the rights and obligations of Internet users (the "Users").

The General Conditions are available in English and French.

The User has the option of saving and printing them from the Site.

2. Entry into force, enforceability and modification of the General Conditions

The General Conditions come into force on the date they are put online.

The use of the Site implies the full and complete acceptance of the present general conditions of use. They are opposable to the User from his first connection to the Site, and this, during all the duration of use until new ones are published.

The Company reserves the right to modify and update the General Conditions. The Terms and Conditions linked from the Site shall prevail over any printed version of an earlier date.

The User may access the previous and archived general conditions by sending a request by e-mail to the address :

Any use of the Site by the User after the modifications of the General Conditions, is worth acceptance by this last one of the new general conditions.
The user can at any time give up using the Site but remains responsible for any previous use.

3. Access to the Site

Access to the Site is free of charge, subject to access costs (Internet subscription, in particular), which remain the responsibility of the User.

The Site is in principle accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week except in case of force majeure, voluntary or involuntary interruption of the Internet network, whatever the cause, in particular in case of maintenance.

Due to the nature and complexity of the Internet network, and in particular its technical performance and response times for consulting, querying or transferring information data, the Company makes its best efforts, in accordance with the rules of the art, to allow access to and use of the Site. The Company cannot guarantee absolute accessibility or availability of the Site.

The Company shall not be held responsible for any damage caused by the unavailability of the Site, whether voluntary or not, if this is due to external factors such as technical reasons, network congestion, misuse of the Site, failure of Internet access providers and communication and telecommunications operators.

The Site is accessible to all users of the Internet who are of legal age, provided that they use a recent browser, excluding Internet Explorer, and have a broadband Internet connection.

4. Description of the Site

The purpose of the Site is to provide information and news concerning all of the Company's activities, and where applicable, those of its partners, and more generally, news from the banking and insurance sectors.

The information on the Site is given as an indication, and is likely to evolve.

Moreover, the information on the Site is not exhaustive and is subject to changes that have been made since it was put online.

The Company reserves the right to complete or modify, at any time, the Site and the associated Services according to the evolution of technologies, the necessities linked to the technique and to the applicable regulations or at the free choice of the Company.

5. Instant messaging

The Site offers an instant messaging service allowing Users to directly contact a member of the Company's team in charge of the Site (" the Team ").

Any User has the right to send, free of charge to the Company, messages relating to the services provided by the Company (platform, rates, etc.).

These messages are not public and are only intended for the recipient(s) of the message.

The User agrees to use this messaging service only in accordance with the legal provisions in force and in particular not to use this messaging service for canvassing purposes, particularly commercial.

The Company does not intervene in any way on the messages published by the User, which are not subject to any prior automatic control. The message is published immediately on the message board.

User understands and acknowledges that:

  • The Company cannot be held responsible for any message sent by the Team;
  • The Company provides no guarantee as to the accuracy, truthfulness, relevance, reliability or quality of the information contained in the messages sent in response to the User by the Team.

6. Hypertext links

  • Links set up by the Company

The Company reserves the right to set up hypertext links to other websites than the Site.

The Company declines all responsibility for the content of the information provided on these sites by virtue of the activation of hyperlinks.

  • Links set up by the User

It is forbidden for the User to set up a link to the Site without the Company's express and prior authorization.

Under no circumstances shall such authorization be considered an implicit affiliation agreement.

In any case, the links referring to the Site must be removed at the first request of the Company.

The Company declines all responsibility for the content of the information provided on these sites as a result of the activation of the hypertext links put online by the User.

7. Obligations of the User

Within the framework of its use of the Site and the Messaging, the User agrees to:

  • Respect these terms and conditions and not use the Site or Messaging to communicate information or data contrary to public order, or contravening the law of July 29, 1881 on freedom of the press, or containing pornographic content, defamatory, contrary to respect for privacy or human dignity, provocation to the commission of acts of terrorism, crimes against humanity and their apology incitement to discrimination, hatred or violence, or publish any message inappropriate or of a private nature or unrelated to the purpose of the Site;
  • Not to disrupt their proper functioning, and in particular not to introduce any virus, malicious code or any other technology harmful to the Site;
  • To use them in a loyal way, in the respect of the present General Conditions, of the applicable laws and regulations, in particular the laws relative to the intellectual and industrial property, to the data processing and to the protection of the personal Data;
  • Not to develop or use software, devices, robots or any other means or technology to perform web scraping of the Site;
  • Not to access or maintain, fraudulently, in all or part of the Site and to use a method of access other than the interface made available by the Site;
  • Not to infringe or circumvent the security measures put in place to protect the Site or the servers on which it is hosted.
  • The User is responsible for his use of the Site.

8. Personal data

The automated processing of personal data implemented by the Company in the context of the use of the Site complies with the obligations relating to the applicable regulations in force, and in particular Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to information technology, files and freedoms, and Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to personal data of April 27, 2016.

For more details, the User can consult the Privacy Policy...

9. Retention of connection data

In accordance with the laws and regulations in force, the Company keeps the history of Users' connections to the Site.

In order to comply with legal obligations relating to the retention and communication of data enabling the identification of any person having contributed to the creation of content placed online, the Company retains certain identification and traceability information relating to operations carried out on the Site, as well as a copy of certain messages published by the User, even when they are deleted, for a period of one year from the event giving rise to the retention obligation.

10. Intellectual Property

All elements broadcast, accessible or downloadable from the Site, including but not limited to programs and specific developments and content including data, text, comments, images, logos and trademarks are the exclusive property of the Company or third parties who have granted a license. These TOU do not imply any transfer of any kind of intellectual property rights on the elements belonging to the Company or its assigns.

The Company grants the User a simple right to use the Site. This right is revocable, free, non-exclusive and worldwide. It is intended for personal use under the terms of this Agreement.

The User is prohibited from infringing the property rights relating to the elements of the Site. Any reproduction, distribution, extraction, adaptation or provision to a third party, in whole or in part, of the elements accessible on the Site or use in contravention of the General Conditions is strictly forbidden.

11. Warranties and liability

The Company undertakes to provide access to and use of the Site on an "as is" basis. The information accessible on the Site is provided "as is" without any guarantee of any kind, in particular concerning the integrity, accuracy, timeliness, availability, reliability or completeness of the information, products, accessories or services appearing on the Site or their suitability for the use that the User intends to make of them.

The Company's liability is limited to direct damages to the exclusion of any indirect damages of any kind. The Company shall not be liable for any damage suffered by the User or by a third party resulting directly or indirectly from the failure of the User or any third party appointed by the User to comply with any of its obligations, from negligence, from non-compliant use of the services, in particular for purposes other than those indicated on the Site, as well as from any failure to comply with the regulations applicable to the User or applicable to its activities and to the use of the Site

12. Judicial requisition

The User is informed that his identification data may be communicated by the Company to third parties if a court decision is rendered in this sense.

Generally, the Company reserves the right to access, read, retain and disclose any information necessary to satisfy any legal process or administrative request.

13. Evidence Agreement

The computerized registers, kept in the computer systems of the Company and its partners will be considered as proof of communications, subscriptions by the User.

The User acknowledges that the exchanges between him and the Site will be mainly electronic except in the particular cases presented in the present document or required by the law and expressly accepts that the invoices will be sent to him by email. It is understood that the choice of exchange mode is worth agreement on the proof in the sense of the article 1368 of the Civil code.

14. General Provisions

  • Advertising - At any time the Company may decide to place advertising spaces on the Site and enjoys total freedom when it comes to the choice of its advertisers, the types of display of the advertisements but also their position on the said Site. 
  • Non-validitys partial approval - If one or more provisions of the General Conditions are held to be invalid or declared as such in application of a law, a regulation or following a definitive decision of a competent court, the other provisions shall retain all their force and scope. 
  • Non-waiver - Unless otherwise provided, the fact that the User or the Company does not avail itself of a breach of any of the obligations referred to in these Terms and Conditions shall not be construed as a waiver of the obligation in question for the future. 
  • Applicable law and competent jurisdiction - The General Conditions are governed by French law. In the event of a dispute, the User shall first address a claim to the Company at 29 Rue du Louvre, 75002 Paris in order to find an amicable solution. In the absence of an amicable solution, any dispute will be referred to the competent French court.  

If you are a consumer and ordinarily resident in a member state of the European Union, the laws of that member state will apply to any claim, cause of action or dispute against the Company arising out of or in connection with these Terms and Conditions, and you may resolve the dispute in any court in that member state that has jurisdiction to adjudicate.