Particeep in the news

Discover Particeep's news: video interviews, press review, graphic chart. 

Particeep's video interviews

Particeep finalizes a €1.2 million financing transaction with Banque Wormser Frères

November 2019, Particeep has just finalized a €1.2 million Venture Loan financing deal with La Banque...

Open Banking : Particeep at the microphone of Sopra Banking Software

On October 15, 2020 at Station F in Paris, the fifth edition of the Fintech event R:Evolution was held...

Particeep - Return on our 2 M€ financing operation

In an interview with the Finance Innovation global competitiveness cluster, our CEO Steve Fogue talks about our recent operation...

Particeep and Open Finance

In this video, Steve Fogue CEO of Particeep, was the guest of Sopra Banking Software and Finance Innovation. At the...

Digital distribution: the case of investment and savings products

Particeep participated in the #SBSSummit financial technology festival hosted by Sopra Banking Software in October 2021 Our CEO Steve...

ACA Insurance Innovation Award - Particeep

Discover in the pitch of our CEO Steve Fogue the benefits of Particeep Plug to the insurance sector

Press review

Particeep joins the Kereis group

News Assurances Pro, 14/12/2022

Insurance brokerage specialist Kereis becomes majority shareholder of fintech Particeep.

Kereis and Sopra Steria support Particeep

Option Finance, 14/12/2022

Kereis and Sopra Steria are supporting the development of Particeep, whose ambition is to become a European reference in the field of...

Particeep welcomes Kereis in its capital

Les Echos - Capital Finance, 13/12/2022

Kereis, the European leader in the distribution of insurance products, is taking a majority stake in Particeep's capital alongside...

Banks and open banking

Journal du net, 20/05/2022

Particeep supports banks in the digitalization of their products and facilitates the provision of banking processes to their customers...

Particeep in the Top 100 French Fintechs

Fintech 100 ranking, 02/03/2022

Particeep's performance is once again recognized, we are listed among the most innovative Fintechs in the world.

Nuggets from the Assurtech / Tech ecosystem

French Assurtech, 01/12/2021

Focus on Particeep : Interview in which Steve Fogue explains his vision of more digital financial services, and his ambition...

Particeep: Truffle Capital and SOPRA STERIA take a minority stake

Stock exchange - Le figaro, 16/02/2021

The Fintech Particeep, editor of SaaS solutions for online subscription of financial products and services, announces an acquisition of...

Particeep among the best fintechs in Paris

Daily Finance, 14/01/2021

According to Daily finance, these startups and companies are taking a variety of approaches to innovate in the finance industry.

Particeep - Insurtech of the week

L'Argus de l'Assurance, 27-11-2020

In the November 27, 2020 edition of the magazine L'Argus de l'assurance, Particeep has been selected as the Assurtech of the week.

Particeep helps financial players to distribute their products online, 02-11-2020

How was Particeep able to help financial players to digitalize during the Covid-19 crisis? The answer in...

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